Facebook Pics can Haunt you Forever

Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO of Google (on of my FAV companies), recently said in a interview that young people may have to change their names in order to escape wild and embarrassing photos/posts of their "cyber past." Many people do not behave professionally or "post with caution" on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. One thing is for certain, once you post a picture or comment on a social network it is in cyber space forever.

I am friends with my young nieces and cousins on Facebook and I cringe every time I see a wild photo or a profane filled post from them. What happens when you are applying for a job, college or grad school? Do you think these things will magically disappear? In the event you start a business, How will this affect you company's reputation or profit?

In the interview Schmidt went on to say that in the future Google will know so much about users that it will be able to help plan their lives. SCARY!

I caution you (and myself to) to be selective about what you post on Social Networking sites, you never know where it might come back to haunt you!