Twitter Launches Redesigned Website


Evan Williams, CEO of Twitter announced via Twitter (how cool) that the company will re-launch their website to be a "faster, easier, richer way to discover what's new in the world."

The new interface adds multi-media into the online Twitter feed-an enhanced sidebar that displays images, video and user profile information without leaving your news stream, as well as updating the look and feel to be more in line with Twitter apps. (See image above)

I have mixed feelings on an updated Twitter website. Part of me agrees with a redesign because the existing website is terrible-everything from layout, to design and user friendliness currently sucks! In fact mobile Twitter apps are far easier to use than the current website.

But I think Twitter should keep site updates/versions to a minimum. They should take note from their competitor Facebook, that new is not always better. Every since the last Facebook redesign (maybe 6-8 months ago) I hardly ever visit the site!

If you're one of the people who've tested the new Twitter site let me know what you think!