Does anyone like GAP's new Logo?

This week Gap launched a brand new logo (see image above) that sparked public outrage via Blogs, Twitter and other social networks. The new logo is supposed to give a more cutting edge, modern look and feel.

Launching new logo's is nothing new to large American brands; Pepsi, Coca-Cola and GM, just to name a few have all launched redesigned logo's in the past decade. Anytime a company tries to re-brand itself by updating a logo it seems to always raise the question as to why?

When you look at the comparison of new logo vs old logo, I actually think it looks pretty good. Clearly I am the only person who thinks so! (See Twitter reaction below) Since the old Gag logo is so recognizable, classic and sheek I don't understand what would make the executives think it was a good decision to it. Publicity stunt eh?

Your thoughts?