3 MBA Application Tips...

I started my MBA this January at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. In lieu of my move to Chicago-land, I am transferring to Northern Illinois University this fall! (WHOOP WHOOP.) Although I went through the MBA/graduate school application process less than a year ago, I forgot how much of a pain in the behind the whole application process is; Resume, Personal Statement, GMAT scores, 2 Letters of Recommendation and an Application were all the things I had to submit when applying to different Grad programs. So...I'll offer a few Grad School Applications tips:)

The GMAT was a nightmare to me! Not only was the test entirely too long but it was a comprehensive exam of basically everything that you learned from 4th grade until college, seriously. My best advice is to start studying early (you'll need the time), attend a course or prep session to help you understand the structure of the exam/how to do well, use the practice exams online offered by Kaplan, Pearson and others and purchase a study book to help you understand the type of questions you'll need to know/strategies for coming up with an answer.

Personal Statement:
A personal statements should be constructed to reflect your personality. It should include:
  • Career Goals; short and long-term
  • Why you want a MBA? Or other grad degree
  • What do you have to offer? What can you bring to the school?
  • Summary of your body of work
  • Accomplishments/Achievements/Awards given
My statement was very lively. Although you need to ensure it is well written you don't want to bore the committee by being too drab or impersonal.

Tailor you resume like you're applying for a dream job! Be specific about action items and results that you've achieved in your career.

Most importantly when you're applying for grad schools don't forget to make note of application deadlines. You always want to submit an application packet a few days prior to the deadline!

Hope this helps you on your quest for an Advanced Degree!

Oh and don't be confused...I am MICHIGAN STATE SPARTAN until I die! I bleed green:)

Say What? 10 Million Facebook Fans?!?


Last week Starbucks reached 10 Million Facebook fans, becoming the first brand ever to do so! Congrats to Starbucks! (Read about it here)

I personally am not a coffee drinker, nor am I big fan of the company but I do think this is an amazing win for their brand. More importantly its a win for their public image and PR. Starbucks beat out iconic American brands like Coca-Cola by reaching 10M fans first. It also is a win for the company because of the negativity Starbucks faced last last year due to declining quality or their products. Starbucks used a seemingly common social media strategy of promotions and giveaways to reach this 10M mark.

This achievement does beg the question, what is the value of a Facebook fan? It is a common practice to use the traditions digital ad model of calculating the impressions and $ spent to generate a number or rating for the ROI. I don't think this model necessarily works for the space but I do believe that the impact of a Facebook fan is powerful. Whether they are worth $5 or $5,000 having 10M fans is a definite positive move for the brand!

Gooo Starbucks!

Let's Get Married...Online?


Since I spent my wonderful Fourth of July weekend in OH at a wedding, I've been in a very lovey dovey mood lately:) This made me wonder how will the evolution of the way people consume media change the tradition of marriage? Or will it?

When preparing for a wedding, a couple can plan just about while sitting at a computer. Websites like The Knot and Our Wedding Day make it easy for brides--and grooms to talk about their experiences with different venues, services, planners etc. These forums create open dialogue about the process and planning a wedding. But, would you consider taking it a step further and actually live streaming your wedding service (using UStream for example) to allow those who can't attend to still be a part of your ceremony?

Part of me thinks its a great idea to broadcast your wedding ceremony to your loved ones, another part thinks it shouldn't be allowed. I know a lot of mega Churches who live stream their church services (Bill Winston, TD Jakes and Joel Osteen) just to name a few and I love the idea. But I also think that a wedding ceremonies are very sacred, special and emotional and should only be shared with those who take the time out to attend. When my days comes there will be no live streaming for me!

What you do you think?


*Bonus: Pics from the wedding I attended*